- Construction of the 6-lane highway, Paso Lateral-Tulcán.
- Construction of the 6-lane fork of the Cajas-Otavalo Highway.
- Construction and maintenance of the Selva Alegre-Quinindé Highway (Selva Alegre-Saguangal zone).
- Expansion of the access road to Cotopaxi National Park.
- Construction of the solution at Yambo Linear Park level.
- Construction of the 6-lane highway Colibrí-Pifo-Cusubamba.
- Rectification and improvement of the Papallacta-Baeza Highway.
- Construction of Av. Simón Bolívar of Quito (zone I).
- Repaving of the northern sector of the City of Quito.
- Construction of the Interoceanic Highway in Quito (zone I).
- Completion and improvement of the highway fork from Quinche-Cayambe.
- Construction of Quito’s new East Way (zone III).
- Construction of the vehicular bridge in La Tola on the Ruta Viva (Tumbaco-Quito).
- Construction of the bridge over the Ambato River (Las Viñas zone).
- Ambato Lateral Pass.
- Construction of the Carolina-Silvers railroad variant (Tixán-Silvers zone).
- Reconstruction of the Balbaneda-Zhud-Chunchi-Río Angas Highway
- Reconstruction of the Balbaneda-Zhud road, (La Moya-Chunchi zone).
- Reconstruction and maintenance of the Cuenca highway (El Salado-Lentag).
- Construction of the General Morales-Hierba Buena Pan-American Highway.
- Guarumales-Méndez highway construction.
- Construction of the Cuenca-Molleturo-Naranjal Highway (zone I).
- Asphalt road resurfacing Program I (South Quito).
- Asphalt resurfacing and rigid pavement, Program II (Quito).
- Contract in addition to the concession contract for the execution of the expansion of various sectors in the Ambato-Riobamba sector.
- Construction of the Píntag Toll Station and detour road.
- Construction of the north section of the Ibarra Road.
- Construction of a double metal culvert in the La Jalupana sector.